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21. Object Journeys with Kayte McSweeney

In this episode, I speak to Kayte McSweeney, Community Partnerships Manager at the British Museum and also an independent consultant who specialises in audience research and evaluation, participation and community engagement practice. We discuss co-curating, co-production and participatory practice, and also talk about Object Journeys, which was a 3-year National Lottery Heritage Fund funded project that ran from 2016 to 2018. It  involved 3 projects at the British Museum and 3 at partner museums - New Walk Museum in Leicester, Brighton Museum and Manchester Museum.

For me, the key point in this episode is to take a chance on an approach and way of working that is demanding, takes time and is unlikely to have immediate or immediately visible results – basically all the things that so many people chase - but is one of the most important and rewarding ways of working in our sector and truly opens it up to people beyond the walls of the museum.

Follow Kayte on Twitter @kizzykayte

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