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Coffee & Catch Up with Thanh Sinden

Today, I’m speaking to Thanh Sinden, Chair of the Museum Detox Executive Committee, and museum consultant.

We talk about work, family and health, as well as a recent Museum Detox survey about the impact lockdown had on its members, and the Museum Detox Hardship Fund - to which people from across the sector have donated so generously. In the first round of fundraising for this Hardship Fund, Museum Detox members donated c.£2,000 and, incredibly, about £5,000 came from colleagues across the wider museum community.

It was great to hear about the really positive approach Museum Detox has taken to help its network of members through this difficult time for so many of us. And, for me, it showed, yet again, that the open, collaborative and inclusive approach the organisation has taken with colleagues across the sector over the years, continues to bear fruit and is a force of good for us all.

The Hardship Fund has reopened for donations and you can donate through the Museum Detox GoFundMe fundraiser.

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This episode was Presented/Produced by Sushma Jansari (@TheWonderHouse) and Produced/Edited by Nick Harris (@2ndThoughtTank).

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